So, we may have some question on our mind:
- What is the alternate of Menusuite?
- How we will control Pages and Reports Searchable in Web client?
- What code we will write in AL language to make it happen?
Way 1: New property "UsageCategory" added to Page & Reports. By default this property is set to None when you create new Page or Report.
Below are list of UsageCategory value, that you can set and make the Page or Report searchable / see like appear in Department page like RTC client.
- None
- Lists
- Task
- ReportsAndAnalysis
- Document
- Administration
For example, we can write below code snippet in Page & Report development to make it searchable in Web client:
page 50110 MyVendorCard
PageType = Card;
SourceTable = Vendor;
UsageCategory = Documents;
ApplicationArea = All;
field("No."; "No.") { }
field(Name; Name) { }
field(Address; Address) { }
Now, you may try and check with your own development...
Way 2: Another way, you can extent Navigation Pane page of existing role centre and/or adding actions to other existing pages.
Adding to the top level Navigation by extending RC:
pageextension 50111 MyPurchAgentRoleCenter extends "Purchasing Agent Role Center"
group("My Venodors")
action("Item Vendor Catalog")
RunObject = page "Item Vendor Catalog";
ApplicationArea = All;
action("Vendor Bank Account List")
RunObject = page "Vendor Bank Account List";
ApplicationArea = All;
Adding to Action by extending Page or RC:
action("Vendor Item List")
RunObject = page "Vendor Item List";
ApplicationArea = All;
Source of above post:
Please explore above link to know in details.
Please explore above link to know in details.